His Excellency the Honorouble Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of South Australia recently visited Yumbah Aquaculture at Smith Bay, Kangaroo Island.

Published on The Islander 12 July 2017 – Click here to view the original article.

Governor Hieu Van Le visited Yumbah Aquaculture at Smith Bay

During his recent visit to KI for the Small Islands of the World Conference, His Excellency the Honorouble Hieu Van Le AC, Governor of SA visited Yumbah Aquaculture.

The Governor is a passionate abalone enthusiast and Yumbah Aquaculture staff enjoyed providing a farm tour for him.

He was particularly interested in Yumbah Aquaculture’s level of export to overseas markets and the international recognition it has brought to SA, with the company exporting their product to Southeast Asia, the US and Europe.

